

Projects Individual Project


Here. This page. The page you came from. All of them. Pure demonstration of my HTML & CSS skills. No GitHub, no repository, no nothing. Just inspect element and let the journey begin. Have fun!

PharmVille Course Project GitHub

February - May 2023

Developed a web application where doctors can prescribe medicine to patients and patients can buy them from pharmacists using React.js, Flask, Docker, and MySQL.

ErasXchange Course Project GitHub

September - December 2022

Java + Spring

Developed a web application to organize outgoing exchange students’ placements at Bilkent University using React.js, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and PostgreSQL.

PARALAL Course Project

September - November 2022

Designed a programming language for IoT applications. Created BNF rules and lexical and syntactical analyzers.

GMS Internship Project GitHub

June - August 2022

Java + Spring

GMS is a web service that keeps track of incoming and outgoing vehicles into and from a car garage, a multi-story one, presumably. The rest is some boring stuff like recording the logs, recording the cars, recording the people, all of which probably requires some privacy policy to stay out of future troubles. While doing these, it gets help from Spring Framework's Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA and Spring WS. By the way, it needs a relational database, as you can guess, and that bit is currently a PostgreSQL database running on a Docker container.

Ferdi Individual Project GitHub

June 2022


Ferdi is a Discord bot that cheats from the library to communicate with the Discord gods. By the way, his preferred pronouns are he/him, so let's keep that in mind. Currently, his main function is to roll dice, just like any other Discord bot, but he is confident about his dice, and *LOVES* rolling them. He even rolls dice that don't have numbers on them! Yeah, not so different than the numbered ones, but don't tell him. He is aware that his name doesn't really fit him, so might change it later. Don't forget to visit him on GitHub!

Trainly Course Project GitHub

February - May 2021


We designed and implemented a whole, partially working Android app from ground to end. The project's main aim was to let us demonstrate the outcomes of our 1st-year Computer Science courses CS101-2 at Bilkent University. However, we ended up learning and using way more than what we had learned in uni. There is a lot to see about this project on GitHub! So yeah, click that button just above and go there.